The logistics industry handles hundreds of millions of parcels a day, and a single sorting center can handle tens of thonds of parcels a day, in the process of sorting and trans-shipment, package loss, goods damage, low efficiency and other problems often affect the normal operation of enterprises.
Industry status/needs
In the process of transshipment and sorting, the packages are damaged, misclassified, lost, etc. , which are complained by the customers
2. The multi-dimensional evaluation of production (for example: production efficiency, personnel working status, equipment/site status, etc.) , but the production equipment is widely distributed, the environment is complex, the artificial inspection is difficult to cover the dead angle, the management is difficult/n/n3. In the face of violent sorting, equipment failure, emergencies, parcels time-out early warning events, early warning is difficult
To join hands with a number of leading enterprises in the logistics industry to further tap the application needs of the package sorting business, by blending data such as personnel, equipment, processes, and so on, break through the information barrier of each module, to realize the whole link management and control of the transshipment process, and to create a visual management platform for Logistics Enterprises: integrating multi-dimensional data such as intelligent integrated code-reading equipment, video system and sorting control system, etc. , to meet the needs of daily production supervision, emergency warning, Package Press one-button video backtracking and other scenes, improve the overall operation and management strength of logistics enterprises.
Advantages of the scheme
Convenience: remote viewing of real-time on-site surveillance video anytime, anywhere
L save time: Manual Search > 3 hours and visual management platform < 5 minutes/n/nHigh Efficiency: one-click generation and automatic tandem package backtracking video in transit center
L Intelligence: automatic early warning, behavior analysis, data analysis, etc.
Business Processes
As the key voucher in the whole process, the visual management system realizes the whole process monitoring and tracing from unloading, reading, sorting to warehouse through the single number.
01 回溯追踪 | • 基于包裹单号精确追踪,如异常件、违禁品、通缉件 • 包裹丢失/损坏多场景辅助分析 • 转运流程全周期追溯 • 人员操作场景可回溯 |
02 实时监控 | • 现场视频,多画面展示 • 生产作业全局、全时段监控 |
03 事件预警 | • 事件与视频紧密关联 • 深度对接智能读码系统 • 突发事件智能预警 |
04 数据分析 | • 包裹丢失问题统计分类 • 各条线的生产效率,直通率等统计 |
05 辅助分析 | • 人员操作合规性判断,离岗等特殊行为有效管理 • 系统运行效能评价分析 • 设备故障问题评估 |